Main Article: Gaming Parallels With Businesses

Games, whether online or in a traditional format, have been a fundamental part of the human culture since time immemorial. The earliest games to be found on stone, pottery, and other such media were games of hunting and fighting, with objects being used as weapons. Over time, this evolved into games that involving skill and strategy, requiring the players to use their brain power and acquire knowledge about their environment. Today, games are played across many cultures and over a wide variety of levels, providing relaxation and entertainment, as well as improving cognitive, social, linguistic, physical and emotional skills.


A game is a systematic form of play, normally undertaken for fun or entertainment, and at times used as a strategic educational tool. Games are different from work, which typically is carried out for remuneration, or with little regard for strategy, and from arts, which involves an artistic expression of some sort or a creative application of physical or visual skills. In games, the objective is to beat the other players; generally, to win the game.

Although the mechanics of the game can vary significantly from one genre to another, virtually all involve some type of points, or ‘payout,’ typically based on a chess-like board. Some genres include trivia, card games, word games, trivia games, and games of chance. In most cases, the object is to attain a specific goal, such as reaching a particular destination, finding a hidden object, or beating the odds. Often, players compete against each other using a point system based on their own performance, with the winner getting the most tokens.

While there are many different types of board games in existence, the most popular ones are Chess, Clue, Quidditch, and Risk. In Quidditch, players are divided into teams, and a certain number of ‘chunks’ are randomly selected, each of which can contain one or more special tiles. Special tiles form strategic locations on the board that influence the overall outcome of the game. Chess involves a playing strategy where players must work to create pairs out of two given sets of free pieces on their side, and the objective is to eliminate all of their opponents’ pieces before they reach the last remaining piece on the opposing team. The main article for each of these is devoted to that game’s specific genre.

If you are interested in learning about the strategic elements of these popular board games, the main article for that genre will provide you with a good starting place. If you want to know more about the history of strategy games in general, read the main article for that genre. You’ll learn a lot about the various types of strategies used to create winning games, and how game theory applies to them. Game theory is an important branch of mathematics that studies how people decide what strategies will work best, as well as how they can test it to ensure that they get it right.

Business simulations are very well-known business games, as there are literally hundreds of different types of simulations available to play. The main article for this genre features a detailed description of all of the possible types of business games, as well as a short review of how to play them. These types of business games can be used by educators, business professionals, gamers, or anybody who wants to learn more about how a certain industry works. They’re a great way to get an overview of how things work in the real world as well as provide educational opportunities for students.